How to Freeze Mulberries

Enjoy this short-season fruit all year round

Mulberries ripening in late spring
Leda Meredith

Mulberries are only in season for a few weeks in late spring and early summer. The fruit is used to make pies and tarts, as well as wines and cordials. But because of the berry's brief season, we can only enjoy their slightly tart and refreshing taste for a short period of time. Freezing is the easiest way to preserve mulberries so you could enjoy them year-round.

Mulberries almost always come off of the tree with a little bit of stem attached. You can leave the stem on or remove them before freezing, whichever you decide.

Wash the Mulberries

Before freezing, wash the mulberries to remove potential bacteria that could be lurking on the berries, such as salmonella, E. coli, or norovirus. Run the berries under cool water and let them drain for a few minutes in a colander.

Single-Layer Freeze

Freezing the berries in a single layer will ensure that the berries will remain separate once they are frozen. Spread whole, washed mulberries in a single layer on a baking sheet or on plates. Freeze the fruit, uncovered, for at least 2 hours, or until completely solid.

Transfer to Freezer Containers

Once the berries are frozen, you can transfer them to BPA-free, non-plastic freezer containers, or freezer bags. Make sure to label and date the containers. You can store mulberries in the freezer for up to 6 months. They are still fine to eat after 6 months, but their quality and flavor continue to degrade over time.

Ways to Use Frozen Mulberries

There are many ways you can use the frozen mulberries, from smoothies to baked goods and jam. You can blend straight-out-of-the-freezer mulberries with milk (or a non-dairy alternative), yogurt, and honey, or another sweetener of your choice. The frozen berries will give your smoothie a thick, cold, milkshake-like texture.

You can also add frozen mulberries to pancakes, muffins, and quick breads. Although the mulberries will cook along with the rest of the ingredients, berries that start out frozen in these recipes will not bleed their color as much as fresh berries tend to do.

Frozen mulberries are just as good as fresh for making mulberry jam and other sweet preserve recipes. Stockpile them in the freezer during the harvest season, and get around to that jam project later when you have time.

Using Thawed Mulberries

You can use the frozen mulberries to make sorbet or ice cream, but you will need to thaw them before you transform them into a frozen dessert. You can also thaw frozen mulberries and puree them to make a simple, flavorful sauce to spoon over yogurt, cake, or fresh fruit. Add a little honey or sugar and a small squeeze of lemon juice to intensify the mulberry flavor, if desired.

Nutritional Facts

A 3 1/2-ounce serving of raw mulberries has 43 calories, can provide up to 44 percent of your daily value of vitamin C, and 14 percent of your iron needs. The fruit and leaves are sold in various forms as nutritional supplements. The mature plant contains significant amounts of resveratrol, particularly in the stem bark, which some speculate can lead to longevity.